Born in 2003in Andijan, Uzbekistan. I envision a future where mobile app development is rich with innovation and creativity. Driven by a passion to explore the full potential of app design, I am dedicated to pushing boundaries and discovering new ways to bring ideas to life through bold experimentation and thoughtful exploration.
❖ Coming soon
Where can I find your code?
I have GitHub account but most of my projects are private repository.
Can I use your code?
Yes !
How did you learn Android and IOS developing ?
By reading books and articles on the internet.
Here is a list of web pages I recommend to read.
Android Developers
Hacking with Swift
Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
Kotlin in Action
Advanced Swift
What libraries do you use?
Ktor Client A modern HTTP client for Kotlin, suitable for both Android and iOS, simplifying asynchronous HTTP requests.
Coil An image loading library for Android, utilizing Kotlin coroutines for asynchronous image loading and caching.
Alamofire A Swift-based HTTP networking library for iOS, simplifying network requests and JSON serialization.
SDWebImage An iOS library for asynchronous image loading, caching, and displaying.
Realm A mobile database that provides high performance and real-time data synchronization for Android and iOS.